Introduction of Timemore B75 Dripper

This dripper was quite popular right after launched around late 2022, but I wasn’t getting my hands on it until I found the ceramic version on 2023. After I bought it I used it quite often, and it does have some unique points compared to the traditional flat bottom dripper.

Structure: Most traditional flat bottom drippers like classic Kalita Wave and Blue Bottle dripper has a 60-degree dripper’s angle and small bottom holes. A shallower angle and small hole design provides a lower coffee bed and more immersion time to these drippers, results in less pouring technique requirement, more even extraction and mellow tastes, but also less flavour layers.

(Left: Timemore B75, Right: Kalita Wave)

The Timemore B75, as its name stated, uses a 75-degree angle and with 10 thin bottom ribs to create a large bottom hole. We can see the bottom ribs distributed like a star shape, 5 upper and 5 lower ribs. The reason of using 10 ribs not 5 I think is during the brew, the upper pressure of paper filter is large, it needs another 5 to support the filter or it will lose its shape.

It is clear that the purpose of this different design is to rise the coffee bed so the layers of flavour can be enhanced like conical drippers, and the large hole is to increase the flow rate of dripper so the water in bottom won’t accumulated to cause clogging and over extraction. The ideal result of this design is to enhance the aroma and flavour layers like conical drippers, with a more even extraction like traditional flat bottom. I also like the grooves on dripper’s wall, these help to fix the “waves” in wave filter so the filter won’t lose shape.

Brewing experience: I did some comparisons under the same condition to Kalita Wave (Ceramic) and noticed B75 is faster at around 10 to 15 seconds. Feels more noticeable aroma and higher acidity level in the cup, with less smooth mouthfeel and lighter body.

Personal tips: If you like lighter roasted coffee and enjoy the different flavour layers. Or you want to find a flat bottom dripper that almost never clog. Then B75 will be your good choice.

I think Timemore try to find somewhere in between conical and flat bottom dripper so they launched B75 for experiment. The result is quite successful because in recent years the big environment of specialty coffee is lighter roast level, emphasize fruit acidity and sweetness. The reason I said that is B75 is not working well with medium-dark and higher roasting level. It won’t give you the mellow, deep tastes and thick body. Every time you want to immerse a bit more, the water flows down quickly. So at the end of day, it all depends on you brewing habits.