Introduction of Hakka-Life Sakura Dripper

Dripper Structure: The dripper got its name because the design concept was inspired by an heirloom Taiwanese cherry blossoms, and Hakka-Life does show the beauty of flower from the dripper without giving out the functionality. There are 10 ribs on Sakura, 5 are shown as stamens and the other 5 are on the joining place of two petals. The 5 “stamen ribs” are shorter and sharper (similar to the ribs on Hario V60), they support the filter and keep it from dripper wall, so we can see the air pockets are shown at two sides of “stamen ribs”. The bottom hole of Sakura is small (the smallest in my cone shaped drippers); with its rib design, the dripper flow rate is “normally fast” in early stage and will become a bit slower gradually due to the filter sticked on dripper wall and bottom hole. The overall flow rate that I feel is slower than Hario V60 but faster than Cafec Flower Dripper.

Personal tips: If you like non-stop pour method, then I think you might like this dripper. Since the flow rate of Sakura is not as fast as Hario V60 or Kadou M1, you don’t need to focus too much on the water control or worrying flow rate too fast might lead to under extraction. Having said that, I am a big fan of pour and pause method and I still enjoy using Sakura. Just need to reduce the number of pour and not to stir the coffee bed too hard at the late stage.