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Introduction of CDK Wave Type Dripper

Flat bottom, three small holes, bottom support, the dripper structure of CDK Wave Type Dripper looks similar to Kalita Wave, but that doesn’t mean they perform the same. The important differences are hide in detail.

Bottom area and support: We can see the bottom area of this dripper is larger than Kalita Hasami Wave, with similar size of holes, coffee will have a longer “mixing” time in the bottom before they flow out from the holes in this dripper.

On the other hand, the bottom support of this dripper is higher and stronger. After we rinse the filter, we can see the bottom support is acting like the center pole of a tent, creating a dome that separate filter and dripper, so coffee can flow smoothly from filter.

Holes: The three holes of this dripper are not completely vertical; they are inclined and the direction are point to the center (see above picture). So the stream from each holes will mix together before they drip down to the server.

Personal tips: Due to the changes on bottom and holes, the flow rate of this dripper is quite stable and the flavours in the cup are intense, sweet and rounded, with losing a little layer. In addition, this dripper is not sensitive to different pouring methods or techniques, which means its flow rate and performance are both stable. In my opinion, this dripper will be a good one for beginners.